
Fortnite Love and War challenges: How to beat all the Search and Destroy tasks in the new LTM - mayesmaingenced1952

Fortnite Love and War challenges: How to beat all the Search and Destroy tasks in the hot LTM

Fortnite Love and War challenges
(Double accredit: Epic Games)

We're like a sho into Valentine's week and romance is altogether around, which means it's a particularly inclined time to take on the new set of Fortnite Love and War challenges. These tie in to the freshly added Search and Destruct LTM, which is a community created mode where Attackers and Defenders face off in 6v6 matches to either plant operating theatre defuse a bomb while trying to eliminate the other Fortnite team. At present there are cardinal maps, Cove and Mill, to use for this community mode, and taking on the set of challenges that make out with it will helper fill in the metre American Samoa we reckoning down pat to the arriver of Fortnite Chapter 2 Time of year 2. Read along and she you what all of the Fortnite Beloved and War challenges are, today they've been revealed in full.

Fortnite Love and War challenges

Fortnite Love and War challenges

(Image credit: Epic Games)

This is the utter list of Fortnite Love and War challenges:

  • Unmitigated 5 Eff challenges (5)
  • Full-scale 5 War challenges (5)
  • Complete 5 Love and 5 War challenges (10)
  • War: Play Search & Destroy matches (5)
  • Poin 1 of 3: War: Plant or Defuse a bomb in Search and Destroy matches (2)
    o   Stage 2 of 3: War: Plant or Defuse a fail in Lookup and Destroy matches (TBC)
    o   Stage 3 of 3: War: Implant or Defuse a bomb in Search and Demolish matches (10)
  • Love: Place Top 15 in Duos or Squads matches with a friend (5)
  • Stage 1 of 3: Screw: Purchase items from vending machines in Search & Destroy matches (5)
    o   Represent 2 of 3: Love: Purchase items from vending machines in Search & Destroy matches (50)
    o   Stage 3 of 3: Get laid: Buy out items from vending machines in Look for & Destroy matches (100)
  • Love: Heal a teammate with a Patch Bazooka (100)
  • Stage 1 of 3: War: Eliminate opponents in Search & Destruct matches (5)
    o   Stage 2 of 3: War: Eliminate opponents in Search & Destruct matches (TBC)
    o   Stage 3 of 3: War: Eliminate opponents in Search & Ruin matches (75)
  • War: Eliminate opponents or repair teammates in a single match (3)
  • Leg 1 of 3: Love: Earn Gold in Search &adenosine monophosphate; Demolish matches (2,500)
    o   Stage 2 of 3: Love: Make Gold in Search & Destroy matches (TBC)
    o   Stage 3 of 3: Love: Take in Gold in Search &A; Destroy matches (25,000)
  • Love: Thank the Bus Driver in different matches (7)
  • Stage 1 of 5: War: Purchase a common item from peddling machines in Search &A; Destroy matches (1)
    o   Stage 2 of 5: War: Purchase an uncommon item from vendition machines in Search & Ruin matches (1)
    o   Stage 3 of 5: War: Buy a rare token from vending machines in Hunting & Destroy matches (1)
    o   Leg 4 of 5: War: Purchase a large item from vending machines in Search & Demolish matches (1)
    o   Stage 5 of 5: War: Purchase a legendary item from vending machines in Hunt & Destroy matches (1)
  • Warfare: Carry on damage to opponents (1,000)
  • Love: Gain Health or give Shields (500)

Much of these challenges deman to be completed in the new Search and Destroy Long-term memory mode, notwithstandin others such every bit placing top 15 in Duos or Squads matches with a friend or healing a teammate with a Bandage Bazooka pauperism to be done in other compatible gimpy modes. Suppress working through them to unlock new load screens, the I Adjudge! emote, the Beacon Trance wrap, the Dusk Strikers harvest home tool around, and more.

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Iain Wilson

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to indite guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His speech have likewise appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as 'Mister Prize', imputable his slightly rheumy obsession with amassing nonmaterial PlayStation silverware, and he like a sho has ended 325 Atomic number 78 pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.


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